Merry Christmas!
The Christmas season can bring about both delight and strain. For many people, Christmas only highlights their painful issues: loneliness, hurt, anger, difficulties with loved ones, and overwhelming financial stress. Many couples cannot manage their marital strain and separate during the Christmas season. Despite this, Christmas can also be a time that reflects moments in the past when we have experienced special moments, felt love, happiness, and contentment. Christmas can be a mixture of extremes. For some, Christmas can be a time of overwhelming sorrow and struggle. For others, Christmas is a time to put right the wrongs, mend what is broken, heal the hurts, and make decisions. It is the season of intentional goodwill, loving-kindness, and hope to share with those around us.
This year has been filled with worldwide political instability, natural disasters, and pandemic strain. The constant bombardment of negativity in our world can result in feelings of disaster fatigue for many people. This, in turn, adds to the already tremendous amount of stress and feelings of aloneness in our lives. During these times of trial, it is the small and seemingly insignificant things in life that we must allow to bring joy and meaning back into our lives. Connecting with those we love, sharing in community our time and gifts, and practicing kindness and generosity are just some of the small ways that we can bring comfort, gladness, and hope to our own lives and the lives of those around us. Allow this Christmas season to be one of true reflection and appreciation for these small and, indeed, significant things.
I wish all my clients and all the communities I serve, kindness, hope, and a deeper understanding of the Christmas message. May you have peace, happiness, and blessings this Christmas season!