Mother’s Day 2024

Happy Mother’s Day!


Mothers are interesting people. They often start sentences with “I am just a mom.” Every day I have the privilege of meeting mothers in my office. They are wonderful, brave, intelligent and resourceful women. Their repertoire of skills, talents, and qualities are impressive. Their challenges are overwhelming; often tired, stressed, and under-appreciated, these women continue to meet the challenges as best they can. I have heard Mothers express their frustration and sadness at feeling unimportant to those they love. They can feel hurt when not appreciated, feel guilty when one of their children goes astray, and feel blamed and shamed when something goes wrong.

            Mothers are women who feel the world expects them to “get it right!” I have heard mothers state their fear at sharing their inadequacies, lack of confidence, and inability to manage for fear of being judged by others. There can be internal turmoil, strain, silence, and loneliness in mothering.  Mothers are the most precious legacy we have today. The impact mothers make is memorable, and remarkable.  It is about the endless driving to hockey games, about a soft caress at bedtime, about the struggling to get homework done, to get dinner made, and juggling work with family’s needs!

            Mother’s are extraordinarily beautiful. They are the essential fabric of family and the community. I wish to express my immense gratitude to all those women who are mothers! This Mother’s Day, let mother’s know they are valued and loved beyond measure!

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